Who's Who in
Business Academia

22099 members found

Larry Baldwin, Professor
University of Alabama
Department of General Business

Vikki Baldwin, Senior Lecturer
University of Notre Dame Australia
School of Business

Marie Balen, Adjunct Professor
Canisius College
Richard J. Wehle School of Business

Gioia Bales
Molloy College
Department of Business

Gioia P. Bales, Professor
Hofstra University
School of Business

Warren Balinsky, Associate Professor
New School University
Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy

Branch Ball, Professor
Harris-Stowe State University
School of Business

Dan Ball, Associate Professor
Molloy College
Department of Business

Gail Ball, Associate Professor
University of Rio Grande
Emerson E. Evans School of Business

Joan Ball , Instructor
St. John's University
The Peter J. Tobin College of Business

Mason Ball, Adjunct Professor
Lipscomb University
College of Business

Steve Ball, Senior Lecturer
Northumbria University
Newcastle Business School

John Ballantine, Adjunct Professor
Brandeis University
International Business School

Michael Ballantyne, Lecturer
Lakehead University
Faculty of Business Administration

Scott Ballantyne, Associate Professor
Alvernia College
Department of Business


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